Concerned Citizens and Visitors Opposed to the Mid-Currituck Bridge

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New climate change guidelines make for better decision-making August 2, 2016 New federal guidelines require agencies to consider climate change when evaluating proposals, providing a vital tool to inform and improve public decision-making. (© Robert Llewellyn) Today the Obama Administration released guidelines on how federal agencies should consider climate change when assessing proposed projects. The […]

Mid-Currituck Bridge, NC | Southern Environmental Law Center SELC uses the power of the law to champion all the things you love about the South: clean water, healthy air, mountains, forests, rural countryside, and the coast. Source:

SELC Mid-Currituck Presentation    


The timeline is a farce and NCDOT knows it! 1. There is no Record of Decision. No R.O.D., no bridge. 2. They are trying to fund 60% of the cost with toll revenue bonds and without the “gap” funding that was removed from statute, $28 million/year for 30-40 years; no private equity- the PPP was […]

There are many concerned citizens and vacationers that support the SELC in their efforts against Mid-Currituck Bridge, an unnecessary, extremely expensive, and environmentally damaging project. COST The cost of the project has ranged from $750 million in a 2010 Letter of Interest for a federal T.I.F.I.A. loan to a “normalized cost” of $410 million for […]

“Having that shield does make a difference.” NCEast’s John Chaffee on the need for a freeway By William F. West Staff Writer The Daily Advance Saturday, April 4, 2015 The leader of a regional economic development group said that a freeway via Elizabeth City is needed to help boost commerce between the Raleigh-Durham area and […]

Local leaders need to implement and advocate for improvements to the existing roads as outlined in the FEIS for the Mid-Currituck Bridge.  Known as the ER2 alternative to building a bridge.  ADD PAVEMENT TO NC12, Southern Shores through Duck and build the flyover interchange at the US158/NC12 intersection.    

Take a look at the cost used in August 2012 It is $611,000,000. It does NOT resemble the cost used ONLY to score the project in the new STI formula of $410,820,000 FY 2013 TIFIA Letters of Interest Submitted through September 30, 2013 … Amounts in Millions of Dollars