Local leaders need to implement and advocate for improvements to the existing roads as outlined in the FEIS for the Mid-Currituck Bridge. Known as the ER2 alternative to building a bridge. ADD PAVEMENT TO NC12, Southern Shores through Duck and build the flyover interchange at the US158/NC12 intersection. http://www.wvec.com/home/Planners-look-for-ways-to-ease-traffic-to-the-Outer-Banks-269889301.html
Take a look at the cost used in August 2012 It is $611,000,000. It does NOT resemble the cost used ONLY to score the project in the new STI formula of $410,820,000 FY 2013 TIFIA Letters of Interest Submitted through September 30, 2013 … Amounts in Millions of Dollars http://search.fhwa.dot.gov/search?q=cache%3A9pl3AwsYgvcJ%3Awww.fhwa.dot.gov%2Fipd%2Fpdfs%2Ftifia%2Ffy2013tifialettersofinterest093013.xls+Mid-Currituck+Bridge&output=xml_no_dtd&client=fhwa_web&lr&proxystylesheet=fhwa_web&ie=UTF-8&site=fhwa_web&access=p&oe=ISO-8859-1
TO: NCDOT Strategic Transportation Investments Decision Makers I would like to thank you and the legislature for implementing the new P3.0 data driven process for transportation funding in our great state. This new process of using data removes political influences on projects and lets them stand on their own merit. I am a vocal critic […]
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