Concerned Citizens and Visitors Opposed to the Mid-Currituck Bridge

Browsing Posts published in February, 2017

Secretary Jim Trogdon, P.E. North Carolina Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Dear Secretary Trogdon: Congratulations on your recent appointment as Transportation Secretary for North Carolina. We are a group of concerned citizens writing to ask you to take a fresh look at the proposed Mid-Currituck […]

  CHAPEL HILL, N.C.– Local residents and property owners from the Currituck mainland and the northern Outer Banks sent a letter today to Secretary of Transportation, Jim Trogdon, asking him to look at a more affordable and less damaging solution to traffic congestion in the Northern Outer Banks than the proposed $678 million Mid-Currituck Bridge […]

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