Concerned Citizens and Visitors Opposed to the Mid-Currituck Bridge

Tempers flare at Fun Park hearing
By Toby Tate
Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tempers flared Monday as dozens of Corolla business owners and residents directed room-clearing anger at Currituck County Commissioners about the proposed Corolla Fun Park.

The applicant is seeking a special use permit for a proposed fun park, which will include a 36-hole miniature golf course, a go-kart track, spin zone, children’s playground area and arcade.

Several opponents attended Monday night’s hearing, only to see it delayed because additional information was brought up by a representative of the applicant, IG Holdings of Kitty Hawk.

“The applicant has asked that we continue item five due to some review issues that arose within the last 45 minutes,” said Commission Chairman Paul O’Neal.

Many of those who came to speak at the hearing, however, were not convinced of the reasoning behind the continuance, shouting their disapproval as commissioners struggled to continue the regular meeting.
continue reading…

Outer Banks Sentinel

Celebrate Sunshine!

The Town of Nags Head and the Outer Banks Sentinel will present the Sunshine Week Open Government Forum at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 18, at the Dare County Board of Commissioners meeting room at the county administration building.

Free and open to the public, the format for this year’s celebratory event will include a panel discussion of the topic by experts who will share their experiences from their own unique perspectives.

“This is going to be an informative and interesting evening,” said Town Manager Cliff Ogburn. “We know that the conversation is going to inspire others to step forward and insist that officials at all levels maintain a level of transparency that allows the public to know what their government is doing.” continue reading…

Please sign the petition by clicking on the link below.

The Land Use Plan for Currituck County Aydlett Area

LUP POLICY TR13: “…To protect the character of communities near the bridge (e.g. Aydlett, Churches Island, Poplar Branch), the road leading to the bridge shall have no access points before its intersection with US 158.”

LUP Key Words, often used in policy statements, have special meaning.
shall: mandatory, not optional

Don’t let them build a bridge that will ruin it all!!

A study is being completed on a toll road across Currituck Sound to the Outer Banks. The state can’t afford that project and would rely on private money to build the toll bridge and highway.

Please also visit
and help them fight the large commercial development that’s planned for the 4×4 area. Please sign their petition as well.

The Mid-Currituck Bridge project is a proposed toll facility connecting the Currituck County mainland with the Outer Banks. To ensure that the project is financed and constructed, the Turnpike Authority is pursing the project as a public-private partnership.  In April 2009, the Turnpike Authority entered into the State’s first public-private pre-development agreement (PDA) for a major transportation project. continue reading…



* 1989 Bridge first placed on a state highway plan after years of discussion.
* 1996 State purchases land in Corolla for bridge landing. Bridge cost estimates range from $47 million to $71 million.
* 1998 Bridge plans and possible landing sites presented at public hearings. Aydlett residents oppose the project. Cost estimate is now $87 million. continue reading…

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